Addressing the Problem of Posture with the Adult and Geriatric Patient

Understanding the “ageing of posture” and what we as clinicians can do about is often overlooked and misunderstood? Dysfunctional posture develops from a myriad of sources but believe it or not, we can do something about it, even in limited sessions and with an aged population.  Poor posture leads to pain, poor socialization, increased falls, poor balance, and even depression.  Additionally, due to an increasingly sedentary lifestyle and electronic use, forward head posture (FHP) and excess thoracic kyphosis are becoming more prevalent among ALL age groups. We will analyze imaging of common pelvic, thoracic and cervical postural dysfunction. We will learn how to measure kyphosis and FHP utilizing fast, repeatable, and acceptable strategies.  Finally, fill your toolbox with evidence-based manual treatment strategies to inhibit, lengthen, and activate specific structures for long term successful correction of the most common postural deviations seen in the clinical setting.

Analysis of Dysfunctional Posture (45 minutes)

  • Posture analysis
    • Images
    • Lateral Pelvic Tilt
  • Posture of aging
  • Muscle Fiber shortening
    • Iliopsoas
    • Biological sex and falls (anterior vs posterior pelvic tilt)
  • Sherrington’s Law
  • Stretch principles
    • Iliopsoas (pelvis)

Associations of Dysfunctional Posture (30 minutes)

  • Impact of FHP
    • Biomechanics/Pain
    • Eye gaze and social participation (primitive and tonic labyrinthine reflex)
    • Posture and depression/mood

Power posture poses and how they reflect health

Standardized Assessments to Measure FHP and Kyphosis (25 minutes)

  • Measuring FHP
    • Angle & ruler
  • Measuring Kyphosis
    • Imaging vs. inclinometer
    • averages

Evaluate evidence-based postural activities (60 minutes)

  • NASM approaches
    • Inhibit, lengthen, activate, integrate
    • FHP
      • Nuchal Ligament
      • SCM stretch
      • Cervical extension
      • Functional integration
    • HKP
      • Thoracic
      • Pec major/minor
      • Modified scorpion
    • CRAC (active)
  • Sahrmann Corrective Exercises
    • Target-Load
    • Thoracic
    • Pelvic Teeter Totter
    • Thoracic rotation
    • Modified cobra

Implementing Strategies with Case Study (20 minutes)

  • Implementation of strategies with patient experiencing FHP
  • 8 sessions = substantial FHP reduction
  • Q & A
  • Wrap-up

Upon completion of this course participants will be able to:

  • Analyze dysfunctional posture that can occur with contracture, weakness, and disuse of anatomy.
  • Recognize common associations of dysfunctional posture and how it impacts biomechanical, social, cognitive, and mental effects of participation in life.
  • Select standardized assessments to accurately measure FHP and Kyphosis in minutes
  • Evaluate evidence-based postural activities to inhibit, lengthen, and activate specific anatomy to limit or reverse dysfunctional forward head posture and kyphosis.
  • Implement learned strategies through a real case study.

Instructional Methods of this RECORDED WEBINAR

A recorded webinar is a video course that was recorded from a previously given LIVE Webinar. It is delivered over the Internet to your computer. You will be able to see, hear and listen to the course presenter.  This type of webinar will utilize previously recoreded instruction, demonstrative videos, power point slides and more. You will not have the opportunity to ask questions during the seminar as it is recorded. A comprehensive handout will be made available to you after you register for the webinar. The written content used in the presentation will also be made available to you for your personal use (Power Point Slides, Reference Materials etc.).

Financial Disclosure: The course speaker is a lecturer for GREAT Seminars. He/she receives payment from GREAT Seminars for the presentation of this course.

Nonfinancial Disclosure: No relevant nonfinancial relationship exists.

Content Disclosure: This course does not focus solely on any specific product or service.

EDUCATIONAL CREDIT: A certificate of attendance for 3 contact hours of educational activity (3 CEUs or 0.3 CEUs depending on how your Practice Act determines CEUs in your state) will be awarded to registrants upon completion of the Live Webinar.

PHYSICAL THERAPY: Great Seminars and Books is an Approved CE Provider for PTs and PTAs in OK, NY, IL, CA, TX, and NM and this course provides 3 contact hours of continuing education. This course is approved for PTs/PTAs for 3 contact hours in LA, OH, FL, MD, and NJ.  This course meets the guidelines for approval in NC, TN, CT, ID, IO, KS, ME, MA, NH, NE, SC, SD. This course is accepted for CEUs in: AK, AL, AR, DE, GA, HI, IN, MI, MT, ND, OR, PA, RI, UT, VT, VA, WI, WY, WA. Please verify the individual licensing board’s rules regarding allowable hours for recorded/online education.

OCCUPATIONAL THERAPY: Great Seminars and Books is an AOTA Approved Provider of professional development. This distance learning interactive and distance learning independent course is offered at 0.3 CEUs (3 contact hours), intermediate educational level, for categories of OT Service Delivery. Course Approval # 9080.  This assignment of AOTA CEUs does not imply endorsement of specific course content, products, or clinical procedures by AOTA.

This course is not approved by ASHA or Board of Certification.

Any reference to or mention of state rules or regulations concerning continuing education requirements are true and accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of print. If you have questions, please contact your board or regulating body.

If you do not see your state listed, please give our office a call at 877 794 7328.

3 Contact Hours - $99.00

Your Instructor

Unlimited access: Once you have purchased a course, you have unlimited access. You may stop and start and rewind as often as you wish. The course will remain in your cart and you are free to review the content at any time.
Accessing this course: Click on “Enroll Now.” Once you have submitted the registration information, click “Order Now”. You will then see a “Thank You” message. You will be emailed a username, password and information on how to log in to our learning management system (LMS).
Educational Level:Intermediate
Course Format: Online video course
Target Audience: Physical Therapist, Physical Therapist Assistant, Occupational Therapist, Occupational Therapist Assistant.