Keith Screen, MS, OTR, CLT is an Occupational Therapist practicing at Heritage Healthcare, a Life Care Centers of America building in West Lafayette, IN. He received his M.S. degree in Occupational Therapy from the University of Indianapolis in 1995. Clinical specialty as a certified lymphedema therapist achieved from the Academy of Lymphatic Studies in 2008. He has specialized in geriatric treatment mainly in skilled nursing facilities since graduation. He has treated varied diagnoses including cardiopulmonary, outpatient, lymphedema, seating/positioning difficulties, ortho aftercare, contracture/splinting, and general systemic declines from cumulative disorders.
His primary focus in the past three years has been as a Rehab Services Manager and treating clinician. In his time as a RSM, he has guided his building to Gold Star Excellence for Life Care and helped direct overall clinical approach to greatly improve clinical competency. He has helped to double his department staff and works with each employee to achieve professional growth and goals.
He has mentored several students along with his staff OTs. He has presented a falls management course during American Senior Communities’ annual rehab course. He developed a fall video for divisional rehab use at Life Care. He also presented a lymphedema clinical program analysis for Rehab Services Managers for the Heartland Division at Life Care. He has also completed numerous restraint, falls, transfer training/ergonomics, splinting, wheelchair positioning, and lymphedema inservices.
He is a member of the American Occupational Therapy Association. He is currently taking their continuing education course Strategies to Advance Gerontology Excellence: Promoting Best Practice in Occupational Therapy.